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Cruise Description

With featured guest Lucie Malbos, lecturer in medieval history and member of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Civilization.

PONANT invites you to discover the historical cities along the Baltic Sea. You will embark on Le Dumont-d’Urville for an 8-day cruise about the cultural wonders of the Hanseatic League.

Departing from Copenhagen, you will head for the charming fishing village of Gudhjem. Located on the small Danish island of Bornholm, it is very popular among the Danes for its gentle way of life and its beautiful landscapes of rock formations.

Your ship will then call at Gdansk, famous for its amber stone and its shipyards. The former Hanseatic city will reveal some of its architectural treasures, in Gothic and Baroque styles, restored or rebuilt.

During your cruise, you will also visit two sites that were important for the Hanseatic League in the Baltic Sea around the 13th century: Visby and Tallinn. UNESCO Heritage Sites, these once opulent cities still have remarkably well-preserved ramparts, public buildings, merchant houses and warehouses.

Finally, you will head to Helsinki. Located on a peninsula surrounded by almost 300 islands, the verdant capital of Finland will charm you with its Art Nouveau architecture, before reaching Stockholm, your port of debarkation.

Cruise Itinerary

Date Activity Arrive Depart
10/08 Copenhagen, Denmark 6:00 PM
11/08 Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark 8:00 AM 2:00 PM
12/08 Gdansk, Poland 7:30 AM 11:00 PM
13/08 At sea - -
14/08 Riga, Latvia 8:30 AM 3:00 PM
15/08 Tallinn, Estonia 2:00 PM 11:00 PM
16/08 Helsinki, Finland 7:00 AM 12:30 PM
17/08 Stockholm Sweden 8:30 AM
Itinerary may vary by sailing date and itineraries may be changed at the cruise lines discretion. Please check itinerary details at time of booking and before booking other travel services such as airline tickets.

Available Sailing Dates