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Cruise Description

Discover the region of Thule, the mythical territory of the Far North, on a PONANT itinerary along the coastline of Baffin Bay. From Kangerlussuaq, set off aboard Le Boréal on a 17-day new expedition cruise to the far reaches of the planet.

From the ice cap to the ice floes, via glaciers, icebergs and brash ice, you will sail among the Northern Hemisphere’s largest ice producers.

North of the Baffin Sea, in the region of Thule, guided by your Captain and your Expedition Leader, you will experience a tricky but spectacular sail between drifting icebergs and sheets of ice floe. If you are lucky you will observe one of the many polar bears that roam this favourable environment.

Between Greenland's west coast with its mountains softened by glaciers to the Arctic mountain range's steep slopes and Thule's high Arctic tundra, you will sail through the polar region's most spectacular landscapes.

Polar bears, musk ox and Arctic wolves: journey to see this amazingly rich fauna.

We are privileged guests in these remote lands where we are at the mercy of weather, ice, tidal and current conditions. Landings on certain sites and the observation of certain wildlife cannot be guaranteed. They vary from day to day, making each PONANT cruise a unique experience. The Captain and the Expedition Leader will make every effort to ensure that your experience is as rich as possible, while complying with the safety rules and instructions imposed by the AECO.

Cruise Itinerary

Date Activity Arrive Depart
05/08 Kangerlussuaq, Greenland 7:00 PM
06/08 Sisimiut, Greenland
07/08 Disko Island and Bay, Greenland
08/08 Eqi Glacier, Greenland
09/08 Akulleq Greenland
10/08 Kullorsuaq, Greenland
11/08 Savissivik, Greenland
12/08 Thule Region Baffin Island
13/08 Thule Region Baffin Island
14/08 At sea - -
15/08 Pond Inlet, Canada
16/08 North Arm Fjord Baffin Island
17/08 Icy Arm fjord Baffin Island
18/08 Sam Ford Fjord, Baffin Island
19/08 At sea - -
20/08 Evighedsforden, Greenland
21/08 Kangerlussuaq, Greenland 4:00 AM
Itinerary may vary by sailing date and itineraries may be changed at the cruise lines discretion. Please check itinerary details at time of booking and before booking other travel services such as airline tickets.

Available Sailing Dates