The island of Flores is the westernmost point of the Archipelago and of Europe. Flores is about 15 miles from Corvo. These two islands make up the western group of the archipelago. The area is about 143Km2. The island has more or less 4.000 inhabitants. The main municipalities are Santa Cruz and Lajes.
The island has deep valleys and high peaks, lakes bordered by hydrangeas, cliffs carved with grottoes, hot springs and the remains of old volcanoes. The fields are divided by hydrangea hedges.
Flores Highlights:
The Rochad dos Bordoes - solidification of basalt into vertical fluting.
Águas Quentes - Small hot springs of boiling sulphurous water.
The peaks of Sete Pés, Burrinha, Marcel and Morro Alto (which at 914 metres is the highest point of the island).
The seven lakes in the central part of the island make for a magnificent landscape, especially the Fundalake (“Lagoa Funda”).
The Waterfall of Ribeira Grande at Fajãzinha drops hundreds of meters, and has at least twenty waterfalls many of which drop into the sea.
The Groto de Enxaréus is an enormous cavern, about 50 metres long and 25 metres wide.
The Bay of Alagoa - A group of islets and peninsulas.
Fajazinha - A characteristic village by the sea with picturesque ruins of water mills.